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What should you pay attention to him when you see Brown discharge?

What should you pay attention to him when you see Brown discharge?

Brown discharge
brown discharge

Article content:
ü Brown discharge after menstruationü Brown discharge before menstruationü Most often, abnormal vaginal discharge brown indicate the development of:ü Brown discharge in mid-cycleü Brown allocation instead of monthlyü
Brown discharge during pregnancy

Vaginal brown discharge plays a crucial role in the functioning of the reproductive system of women. The secretory fluid that is actively produced by glands in the vagina and the cervix, genital tract cleanses dead skin cells and disease-causing agents, helping the body defend itself against infectious diseases.

Color natural vaginal discharge can vary during the menstrual cycle of a beige and milky white to completely transparent. Such changes are not a cause for concern and should not bring the woman discomfort. However, if the tone of vaginal discharge is significantly different from the norm, and the appearance of whiter accompanied by severe burning sensation in the vagina, itching, and unpleasant odor, there is every reason to believe that serious failures occur in the body of the patient.

One variety of pathological vaginal brown discharge is brown whites. In most cases, their appearance suggests there are significant disturbances in the functioning of the female reproductive system.

Brown discharge after menstruation:

Brown vaginal discharge, appearing immediately after the month shall be deemed accepted norm. In most cases, they are a residual phenomenon, following the menstruation. Due to increase blood clotting at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, blood clots can acquire a darker shade.

It should be noted that natural brown discharge, appearing after completion of menstruation, never supplemented by an unpleasant odor. Fetid leucorrhoea is a direct indication of the development of the pathological process, so their appearance is considered to be a sufficient reason for putting PCR assays and smear on Gardner Elly, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, cytomegalovirus, and herpes.

Long brown vaginal discharge after menstruation is one of the symptoms of polyps in the uterus, endometriosis, and endometrial hyperplasia. In cases where the whites appear some time after the completion of menstruation, women are advised to take a pregnancy test in order to avoid threatening abortion or the development of a fertilized egg outside the uterus.

Brown discharge before menstruation :

Natural brown discharge may occur no earlier than the day before the onset of menses. In cases where the whites that precede menstruation, lasting 2 days or more, we can confidently say that their failures in the reproductive system.

Most often, abnormal vaginal discharge brown indicate the development of:

ü hormonal disorders;
ü genital tract infections
ü hematological diseases;
ü adenomyosis;
ü endometriosis.
In addition, the appearance of brown cables before menstruation may indicate the presence of polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, and other pathological processes in the uterus.

Brown discharge in mid-cycle :

Discharge mid brown tsiklaPoyavlenie midcycle cables may be due to physiological and pathological factors. In particular, selection, discovered on 12-14 day cycle may indicate a rupture of the mature follicle and release of the egg from the ovary. In turn, smearing bleach appeared on the 17-20 day cycle may indicate the completion of the process of implantation of the egg in the endometrial tissue. In order to refute or, on the contrary, to confirm this version, should be tested for HCG. It is important to realize that in some cases, brown discharge may become the main features of some pathological states in mid-cycle. In particular,

it causes an occurrence of dark cables may be:

Brown discharge
brown discharge

ü uterine fibroids;
ü neoplastic lesions of the uterine body;
ü polycystic ovary syndrome;
ü adenomyosis;
ü progesterone deficiency.
These states may carry a risk to the health and lives of women, and therefore require prompt diagnosis and competent, effective treatment.

Brown allocation instead of monthly

Beli brown instead of monthly - this is a relatively rare phenomenon. In some cases, their appearance may indicate the development of a number of women have gynecological disruptions (eg, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, endometrial hypertrophy or cervical polyps). However, most often causes brown vaginal discharge during this period are:

ü pregnancy;ü restoration of internal organs and the whole body after childbirth;ü hormonal contraceptives;ü the beginning of menopause;ü exhaustion;ü surgery in the genital area.

In addition, the appearance of brown discharge instead of monthly can be triggered by emotional tension, chronic stress, exposure to toxins or wrong, dramatic weight loss.

Brown discharge during pregnancy

The appearance of brown cables during pregnancy is a serious cause for concern. Most often, the cause of such vaginal discharge are:

ü ectopic development of a fertilized egg;
ü fading pregnancy;
ü risk of miscarriage;
ü placental abruption.
Meanwhile, the appearance of brown cables during gestation is not always preceded by abortion. For example, such separation can be observed in the I trimester usual for menstruation days. In addition, the reason for the appearance of dark cables can be microtrauma vaginal mucosa obtained during a pelvic exam.

The appearance of any vaginal brown discharge, by its smell, color, and consistency significantly different from physiological, is an objective basis for the campaign to the doctor. Only an experienced expert will be able to quickly and accurately as possible to establish the cause of pathology and appoint competent and effective treatment.


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About Dr. Sarah smith ..

D.R: Sarah Smith Master and assistant professor in the specialty of gynecology and a researcher at the Academy of Gynecology liked that I join all visitors and friends some of my knowledge humble in my Small blog Brown discharge.


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