Brown discharge in early pregnancy - whether you need to call an ambulance?
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Brown discharge in early pregnancy |
Page Content:
ü Causes of brown discharge in the first trimester
ü When the brown discharge in early pregnancy - rate
ü Risk of miscarriage
ü Ectopic pregnancy
ü Molar pregnancy
ü Causes of brown discharge in the second trimester
ü Placenta prevail
ü Causes of brown discharge in the third trimester
ü Causes of brown discharge, independent of the period
ü Cervical erosion
ü Infections and inflammations
"BrownDischarge in early pregnancy will inevitably cause anxiety among expectant mother. The reason for this concern is easy to understand because these brownish blotches secretions give blood. And the dangers of bleeding during pregnancy is known to every woman".
Indeed, the brown spotting during pregnancy often shows different deviations and pathologies of pregnancy. However, this does not mean that the brown discharge is always a disturbing symptom. In some cases, if they are not the norm, it is absolutely safe, that's for sure.
"Of course, this does not mean that finding on linen brown spotting, pregnancy cannot worry - a lot depends on the associated symptoms of pregnancy, and so on. In any case, the first thing a woman should consult a doctor. Self-diagnosis, it still cannot, but the risk is absolutely not justified."
The reasons that cause brown discharge during pregnancy is very much. Part of it depends on the duration of pregnancy, others are not bound to it. And, of course, the woman has the sense to know at least the most common ones and understand the mechanism of occurrence of discharge.
Causes of brown discharge in the first trimester:
The first trimester is especially rich on the causes of brown discharge during pregnancy. Furthermore, it is in the early stages the best chance that the allocation is safe manner.
When the brown discharge in early pregnancy - rate:
In the early stages: 1-2 weeks after conception, implantation takes place ovum in the uterine lining. The small blood vessels, the blood of which is natural and mixed into the vaginal discharge may be damaged during this process.
Woman holding hands "house" in the belly: brown discharge in early pregnancy may indicate the implantation of the ovum.
In this case would be a light brown perhaps even isolation or pink beige pregnancy, precipitates creamy consistency. Furthermore, they will be of a single character. Another feature selections associated with the implantation period, in that they do not cause any additional inconvenience women: have a neutral smell, does not because itching, they are not accompanied by pains.
Another important point: at the time of attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall woman most likely does not know about the pregnancy, and often writes off smearing brown allocation to fail in the menstrual cycle. It is a question of careful attention to your body. If the time to pay attention to the unusual phenomenon, it can be assumed at a pregnancy at a very early period, when other signs have not yet appeared. Read more about the first signs of pregnancy.
One of the reasons that may have to spot during pregnancy - is a minor glitch in the hormonal background pregnant. Such failures can provoke release around the time when the theory was to begin menstruation. The dangers for the mother or the child does not bear such a phenomenon, it does not cause discomfort.
In this case, the selection also is scarce but can last a couple of days. Moreover, in some instances, this phenomenon may be repeated in 2-3 months after the onset of pregnancy.
Risk of miscarriage in brown discharge in early pregnancy :
Unfortunately, in this version of the rules come to an end, and begin challenging and dangerous diagnoses. In most cases, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy indicates that the threat of miscarriage. Most often, the threat arises from the detachment of the ovum. In place of detachment are damaged vessels.
The cause detachment of the ovum, usually, is the lack of progesterone - a female hormone whose main function - preparing the uterine lining - the endometrium - to the introduction of the ovum and maintenance of pregnancy until the formation of the placenta. If progesterone in a woman's body a little or it is not produced at all, endometrium rejects the ovum.
Allocation under the threat of a miscarriage can be both frugal and modest. As a rule, they also have inclusions of mucus. There are other symptoms drawing pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and, in some cases, vomiting.
This condition requires immediate medical attention. Therefore, finding in his brown discharge, the expectant mother should immediately call an ambulance, and then lie down and try to calm down. Any physical activity, and even more excitement can only aggravate the situation.
Fortunately, with timely treatment for using in most cases manage to save the pregnancy. A woman with symptoms of threatened abortion is likely to be hospitalized and will conduct additional research. In addition, they will be immediately taken measures to preserve the pregnancy
Women with a detachment of the ovum usually prescribe drugs containing progesterone, for example, UTR Zhe stand and prescribed complete bed rest to withdrawal symptoms
The doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat in the belly of a pregnant: spotting can be a sign of miscarriage.
Ectopic pregnancy:
Like most of the pathologies, ectopic pregnancy causes other symptoms except bleeding. In particular, the nagging pain in his stomach. Usually one side of the pipe, where the fertilized egg was fixed.
In a case of ectopic pregnancy in time to start treatment is no less important than the threat of miscarriage, although the treatment and will be radically different. Unfortunately, in this case, the question of maintaining the pregnancy does not go, it is removed by surgery. Learn more about the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.
Molar pregnancy at brown discharge in early pregnancy :
Another, extremely unpleasant, the pathology is called molar pregnancy. The causes of this complication are not fully understood, however, it noted that in this case, the fruit is always in chromosomal abnormalities. As a result, there is a theory that this pathology occurs when the egg is fertilized by sperm at the same time 2, either one, but having a double set of chromosomes. As a result, the fetus is either a triple set of chromosomes: 23 - from the mother, and 46 - from his father, or the number of chromosomes is full-time, but they are all my father's.
Since it is the father's cell responsible for the development of the placenta and the membranes bubble, then to them and affects mainly this pathology. Instead of forming a complete placenta to the uterine wall is formed benign tumor: multiple cysts, consisting of bubbles of various size liquid.
To develop this pathology can be different. Sometimes only part of the placental tissue is pathological. In this case, we speak of partial molar pregnancy. Most often the fruit, in this case, dies in the second trimester, but there are a probability and normal birth.
Complete hydatidiform mole characterized by a change in the placental tissue. In this case, the embryo dies in the early stages. Moreover, occasionally affected tissue penetrates into the muscle tissue of the uterus. In this case, the tumor bubbles can get into the blood and metastasize. Normally, the vagina, and lungs.
The cystic drift manifests itself spotting, sometimes they come across bubbles. In addition, a woman is experiencing nausea and sometimes vomiting. Fewer women suffer from headaches and high blood pressure. To clarify the diagnosis carried ultrasound and a blood test for HCG.
Pregnant woman ultrasound: brown discharge - it is an occasion to address urgently to the doctor and get tested.
Ultrasound will show the structure of the placenta, the fetus, no heartbeat. In addition, HCG levels in patients with cystic skid jump several times.
If a woman reveals the pathology, the fetus, and abnormal tissue is removed, and in some cases have to be removed and the uterus. If skidding turns away, after that it is required to investigate. The fact that some women as a result of this disease developing cancer.
After removal of hydatidiform mole woman while under a doctor's supervision. If all goes well, then in 1-2 years a woman can give birth again. Fortunately, molar pregnancy is extremely rare, not more than 1 time per thousand pregnant.
Causes of brown discharge in the second trimester:
"In the second trimester of pregnancy has its own reasons for bleeding. Unfortunately, they are deviations from the norm and thus threaten the status of mother and child. And, of course, in need of treatment."
One of the causes of brown discharge in the second trimester is a placental abruption. This phenomenon is dangerous for both mother and child. Firstly, the placenta is not capable delaminated adequately supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the mother due to the detachment of the placenta can cause severe bleeding.
Most often, this problem faced by women with high blood pressure and smoking women. Can trigger this abnormal uterine scars from abortion or cesarean section, abdominal trauma during pregnancy or too short umbilical cord.
Manifested detachment bleeding of varying severity, from spotting to heavy bleeding and pulling pain in the uterus and abdomen strain. Most often it occurs peeling a small portion of the placenta, although complete delamination may occur in rare cases.
A detachment of the placenta is not treatable, so it is usually a Caesarean section. In mild cases, try to postpone it until the term of 30-36 weeks, when there is a chance to save the child. If the situation requires immediate action make an emergency cesarean section.
Placenta previa:
Diagnosis "placenta previa" is placed in the case where the placenta is partially or completely closes the jaws of the uterus. In this case, fruit growing stronger pressure on the placenta, and may damage the blood vessels located therein, which provokes bleeding. Due to the increased pressure can occur and detachment of the placenta, but in most cases, these complications can be avoided.
The woman on a couch talking with a doctor: bleeding during pregnancy may signal a pathology, but with timely treatment to a specialist pregnancy often cannot save.
Naturally, that makes it impossible to offer the placenta delivery is a natural way. It remains only to cesarean section. In addition, a position of the placenta makes it necessary to more closely monitor the status of the fetus, as it can per davit important vessels that provoke anoxia. For more information about placenta prevail .
Causes of brown discharge in the third trimester:
In addition, in the third trimester of brown discharge can occur for the reasons listed in the previous section, in the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman may face bloody mucous secretions during pregnancy. Rather, be afraid of, in this case, nothing.
Perhaps it's just coming off a mucous plug covering the cervix and protects the baby from infections and other effects from the external environment. Normally, the mucus plug coming off a few hours before giving birth, although it occurs much earlier in some cases.
Causes of brown discharge, independent of the period:
"Of course, not all the causes of vaginal bleeding, one way or another tied to the term of pregnancy. Some of them can make itself felt at any time. They are associated with various diseases, uterine structural features and so on".
Cervical erosion in brown discharge in early pregnancy :
In particular, the cause smearing brown discharge in pregnant women may be cervical erosion. This problem is familiar to many women, both pregnant and give birth, and to those who have yet to be. However, during pregnancy, a gentle cervical epithelium is particularly easy to damage. That is why for the first time, women are often faced with this problem during pregnancy.
Usually erosion asymptomatic, but after rough sex or survey on the family seat of a pregnant appear meager, spotting. This happens due to the fact that the foreign body is concerned about the damaged epithelium.
cervical erosion nowadays often treated with cauterization. However, during pregnancy do not recommend, since burns may hinder natural childbirth. Therefore, during pregnancy preferred medication.
The doctor writes a prescription: brown discharge in pregnant women may indicate complications, most of which are treatable.
Many women question arises: whether or not to treat general erosion during pregnancy? It is better to cure because it increases the risk of cancer.
Infections and inflammations at brown discharge in early pregnancy:
Some infectious diseases, sexually transmitted infections, and inflammatory processes also cause vaginal bleeding. In this case, discharge may be accompanied by various symptoms. Including allocation may occur during pregnancy with an unpleasant odor, or specific, pain and the like.
It is not necessary that the woman is already infected during pregnancy. Often the microorganisms living in the vaginal microflora, do not manifest themselves until-until any favorable conditions for reproduction. During pregnancy, a woman falls immunity, which triggers the development of the disease. In addition, can give itself felt and the old, poorly healed the infection.
"In this case, it makes sense to recall that at the planning stage of Brown discharge in early pregnancy, it is desirable for a complete examination and treat all of their illness. However, if you're reading this, you most likely to talk about it too late. Any infection during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the mother's body, but also for her unborn, baby, so it is necessary to begin treatment immediately" |
Unfortunately, to select drugs to pregnant women is very difficult, as some of them, together with the mother's blood cross the placenta to the fetus. Modern pharmaceuticals in this regard have leaped forward, creating new drugs, more secure, more accurate dosing. This facilitates the work of a few doctors. Many women worry about this, however, in any case, it is better to recover, than risk their health and health baby.
Unfortunately, in most embodiment, brown discharge in early pregnancy show a variety of pathologist, abnormalities, and diseases. Independently try to understand what's going on, it is not very desirable. It is much wiser at the first warning signs to meet with your doctor and find out the exact cause of the discharge.
Even if it turns out that there is no nothing wrong with you, no one will put you in the guilt of your concern. It is always better to know exactly what's going on than just the lines fearing to disturb the doctor, then to disentangle the effects of an ill-considered action.
Unfortunately, many women are looking for an answer to the discussion forums. Doing this is not necessary, as the body of every woman is different. Therefore, the same symptoms in different women may indicate different diseases. Accurate diagnosis can only be an experienced physician, and after further research. Please note, the more accurately you describe your feelings gynecologist, the easier it is to diagnose.
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