Why Instead OF Monthly appear dark brown discharge?
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Table of contents:
ü Menstruation: Understanding dark brown discharge.
ü Dark Brown Discharge allocation instead of monthly.
ü Monthly clotted or appearing dark brown discharge.
ü Tips and tricks at this problem "Dark brown discharge".
"If you go dark brown discharge month with clots, this may be due to several reasons and serve as a major cause for treatment to the doctor".
1- Menstruation: Understanding dark brown discharge.
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Menstruation - the normal functioning of the female body's reproductive age signal. With the onset of menstruation in a woman's body has already started the processes of formation and development of all necessary for pregnancy, for gestation and safe birth.
Menstrual tsiklKonechno, if something starts happening in the body non-medical standards, the woman immediately sounded the alarm and sent to the appropriate specialist. This also applies to the menstrual cycle. Of course, it is worth noting that in our time the menstrual cycle - a very common phenomenon, which is considered almost a standard situation for the majority of the fairer sex.
This is due to the increased physical and emotional stress on the body, the practice of medical abortion, which lead to disruptions in the hormonal background in women. It often happens that the monthly women do not last from three to five days, and much longer, or just a couple of days. If these phenomena are not accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health, one should not panic.
In any case, regular visits to the gynecologist are able to resolve the issue contentious situation with regard to the presence or absence of failures in the menstrual cycle. Of course, in profusion, duration, and regularity of menstruation affects a number of factors such as the number of hours of sleep, a balanced diet of women, the existence of climate change, active sports.
See more info about dark brown discharge at this pages :
2- Dark Brown Discharge allocation instead of monthly.
Violation of the menstrual tsiklaEsli instead of monthly brown discharge, which means that the normal menstrual cycle does not come. Brown monthly basically characterized the first few menstrual cycles for any girl. This should not cause concern, if, of course, there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, no dizziness, and nausea.
Brown Discharge in women around the age of forty years may be indicative of the approach of such a period in their lives, as menopause. This is a physiological process and should not unduly disturb the woman because the age at which the menopause, especially individual.
So, after an abortion may also appear brown allocation. They may be the precursors of the next menstruation and pass on their own. There is nothing unnatural in this, the main thing that subsequently the menstrual cycle has fully recovered.
If stressful events in a woman's life are systematic, for changes in menstrual volume, its consistency and color are natural.
As a result of stress increases the pressure inside the uterus, hormone production slows down due to lack of oxygen in the cells. Thus, impaired microcirculation of blood in the uterus, which may not only cause malfunctioning of the menstrual cycle, but in the whole organism. Admission control pills, especially without their physician appointment, can lead to a delay, a complete cessation of menses.
Driving menstrual tsiklaPosle transferred pelvic injuries can also occur smearing brown allocation, which is associated with temporary disturbance of blood flow in the pelvis. Operations on the uterus, in the abdomen, often accompanied by a scant brown discharge. In the course of postoperative rehabilitation is not a deviation from the norm. If after this the tendency to periodic brown discharge, you must be retested and on the basis of a medical report to conduct therapeutic measures.
Great harm to the body women can cause uncontrolled exercise and strict diet. These activities may significantly undermine the health and result in dysfunction of the reproductive system. In order for the body to recover after suffering stress, it is necessary to complete the treatment, which is not limited to a visit to a gynecologist.
Significant overheating of the body, for example, getting the sunburn, too, can cause brown spotting from the vagina, sometimes with clots. Infectious diseases with a significant increase in body temperature also contribute to the presence of these unpleasant phenomena.
3- Monthly clotted or appearing dark brown discharge.
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The rejection of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle occurs. Clots that occur during menstruation, are its particles.
If clots begin to acquire a brown color, and the number and diameter itself increase occurred in the body mean any dysfunction.
Endometritis reason-monthly to monthly instead sgustkamiEsli brown clots, the possible cause of this could be as follows:
ü Endometriosis, which is shown cyclic pelvic pain, painful defecation, and urination, pain during intercourse;
ü endometritis, concomitant symptoms which should be regarded as an increase in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen and the formation of pus in the uterus of the masses; may acquire chronic form;
ü Endometrial hyperplasia (overgrowth of the inner lining of the uterus), which is not accompanied by any symptoms, but can cause the appearance of infertility;
ü Anemia caused by low levels of hemoglobin;
ü Too rapid blood clotting, causing it collapses and leaves large clots;
Irregularities in the hormones.
Often brown discharge with clots are the first signs of an ectopic pregnancy. This pregnancy test may not show an increase in hormone levels and the long-awaited two strips. This is due to the fact that an ectopic pregnancy body cannot be taken as a whole pregnancy and hormone levels in urine will not rise.
In the case of suspected ectopic pregnancy, when pulling the lower abdomen, slightly raised body temperature, their brown discharge, it is necessary to produce ultrasound of female genital mutilation, and on this basis to carry out medical activities.
The presence of brown discharge may indicate the transferred latent sexual infections. In particular, if there is itching, burning, card discharge. It should be noted that even in the absence of sexual genital infection can occur. Stepping it may due to violation of the elementary rules of personal hygiene, a viral disease, thereby reducing the peripheral immune system and abnormal flora begins to multiply rapidly.
If the brown discharge is accompanied by large clots, having an unpleasant, sour smell, it may indicate the presence of abnormal flora in the vagina and require screening for specific diseases. To do this takes a swab from the vagina on the microflora, and within a few hours, the result becomes known.
To obtain a more accurate picture and to establish a 100% literate diagnosis must undergo a thorough examination and pass all the tests.
4- Tips and tricks at this problem "Dark brown discharge".
Proper pitanieKazhdoy woman must necessarily learn the very simple rules of caring for their bodies, their observance will prevent the emergence of abnormal vaginal discharge:
ü lead a healthy lifestyle;
ü adhere to wakefulness and sleep mode;
ü avoid unprotected sex and doubtful;
ü after suffering colds and viral diseases and to carry out restorative wellness therapy;
ü do not overwork physically;
ü Maintain the health of the nervous system.
The most important in the treatment of brown discharge instead of the month should be considered to identify and eliminate the causes that provoked their education. The appearance of brown discharge should be considered a serious "bell". Be healthy!
By secret….
Judging by the fact that you are reading this - you know, what is the problem with the menstrual cycle?
ü abundant or scanty allocation with clots;
ü pain in the lower lumbar;
ü pain during sex;
ü an unpleasant odor;
ü discomfort when urinating.
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