Discover the difference between brown discharge in early pregnancy and before birth:
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Brown discharge in early pregnancy - one of the most debated topics, and one of the most dangerous features. Women are particularly afraid of "daub" in the first trimester of fear in the second, but the third is usually already forgotten about it.
" And then before birth, there was some brown discharge. What is it this time - it's time to give birth..? "
Likely. After inspecting the gynecologist if you have crossed 38 weeks of pregnancy, your gynecologist will certainly look you in the chair, to assess the situation - namely, the cervix ready for childbirth. She decided to assess, depending on the softness or disclosure of the cervix, which is measured in obstetrics in the fingers. "The uterus is already opened on 2 fingers, you can begin to give birth at any moment", - says gynecologist and you are waiting to go home.
And in the evening you begin to "smudge" - from the vagina are brown discharge. One of the causes of Brown discharge in early pregnancy - just vaginal examination on a gynecological chair. At the same time the cervix is slightly injured and to the laundry, there are small traces of blood (red, brown, brown .
It is not dangerous, there is no cause for worry. Brown allocation for that reason may occur during or after 3-4 hours after the examination. Also, you can injure the cervix during intercourse: in this case, brownish discharge may occur during the 48 hours of careless sex.
If you do not associate the appearance of brown discharge with the pelvic examination, and it is nearing childbirth, it is obvious that this tube. The mucous plug coming off at all at different times and is one of the significant features of fast delivery.
On average, the fight begins within 2-4 days after that, although it is possible that you will begin to give birth in 2 hours. However, obstetricians say that if the discharge of cervical mucus has a brown color because of Brown discharge in early pregnancy , birth almost on the nose (a few hours). If you see brown discharge at earlier than 2 weeks before the birth, it is best to call your doctor immediately and put it in popularity.
"Have you ever heard before about Leaves Cork?"
Cork can move all or parts go. Overall, its volume is about two tablespoons. She looks like a thick mucus or not (under the influence of estrogen, it is diluted) and may have very different color or shade of white, yellow, streaked with blood or without, pink, cream, beige, brown, brown. The mucous plug is not all moves in advance.
Sometimes it falls during the discharge of amniotic fluid, which often happens in the labor themselves. In this case, a woman may not even notice a discharge cork. You should know that the discharge of mucus plug does not only mean a quick delivery but also opens the way for the microorganisms to the uterus and the baby.
Therefore, since the release of the plug is necessary to exclude any risk of infection (not swim in stagnant water, no sex) and not venturing important cases and longer trips: wait for the delivery. Let them pass easily and safely .
When pregnancy brown discharge - as evidenced?
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Of course, the most exciting period of pregnancy - the first trimester, and at the same time the most responsible. Responsible in the sense that this is the beginning of the formation of the fruit, the first weeks of the embryo of the future rebёnochka placed in the endometrium, also from the placenta and amniotic bubble. It was during this period there is a lot of changes in the female body. Therefore, the first trimester because of the enormous changes and the most dangerous, if we talk about the risks of failure of pregnancy. But in any case, do not worry, because anything can happen, and dark brown discharge does not always indicate the presence of serious problems. This is what we will see below. At the same time, you do not need to panic, but to act. What evidences brown discharge during pregnancy - what to do if they occur.
Brown discharge in early pregnancy are alarming and it is necessary as a problem can be diagnosed faster and understand the reasons for these selections. If time does not solve the problem, such negligence could even lead to miscarriage and pregnancy failure or premature birth, when it comes to late pregnancy.
Whatever it was, if you see yourself in such isolation, it is necessary as soon as possible to seek help from a specialist explanatory. But to know what to go, but also to understand, at least superficially, in the matter, we consider below the main causes of brown discharge during pregnancy.
The brown discharge during pregnancy differ from others?
Discharge dark-brown color, especially in the early stages of pregnancy may have a very different character. It is also a quite normal allocation, which has a translucent or transparent whitish color. Normal discharge can be characterized by the fact that in them, the woman does not suffer discomfort. At that time, both in brown secretions or excreta with a touch of blood, pregnant will experience pain and discomfort.
Even if the brown discharge is not accompanied by discomfort, it still should be alerted.
We should also be said about the selection of pink or beige, which occur during the formation of a fertilized egg, which after conception, a week or two passes implantation period. During this period, the egg attaches to the uterine wall, and this process is accompanied by secretions pale pink or beige. In view of the beginning of the month, but such discharge does not cause discomfort. So there is nothing wrong with that. As with watery discharge during pregnancy does not necessarily indicate the presence of any problems.
However, if the discharge changes color to brown - time to sound the alarm. Especially if such allocation accompanied by pain in the abdomen. This indicates violations in the work of the body and the baby's life in jeopardy. Avoiding trouble will rush trip to the doctor and follow-up treatment. Do not hesitate!
Causes of Brown discharge in early pregnancy:
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After reading the following list of reasons that can be the selection of dark-brown color, you will realize that you need as quickly as possible to visit the doctor.
Of course, it would be desirable to start with a positive. If you have the late stage of pregnancy, the appearance of brown discharge, may be indicative of imminent childbirth. Discharges associated with the discharge of traffic jams. The mucous plug is very important during pregnancy because it protects a woman's body from the penetration of infection, however, in the last stage of pregnancy, a woman's body produces a lot of estrogens, which softens mucus plugs, and it comes out.
But, in such a selection, you cannot say for sure when the miracle of the birth will happen. Up to the fact that after such discharge, it can take up to several weeks before birth. Therefore, you should not risk your life and the life of the child and how to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible.
You should also understand that if pregnancy occurs the vaginal mucosa is very sensitive to physical changes. Therefore, blood, dark brown discharge may indicate only about the damage the vaginal mucosa. For example, after receiving a gynecologist or sexual intercourse. If such allocation takes place just after the above events, they are likely to take place quickly and will not cause much pain.
Placenta Previa. We are talking about late pregnancy. During fetal development, pregnancy, the uterus increases, stretching and breaking the integrity of the blood vessels, which are on the upper layers of the placenta. Which leads to the release. However, if such allocation abundant and are accompanied by characteristic pain in the abdomen - it is necessary to address urgently to the doctor to observe the pregnancy. Pain with placenta Previa, are accompanied by "fights" in the abdomen. Remember that the first presentation threatens a child's life, so the delay, in this case, can lead to fetal death.
Missed abortion may also be accompanied by secretions brown. Such allocation can, unfortunately, also testify about it. On ultrasound revealed signs, which can be considered the fruit of the deserted, such as lack of heart. To avoid a pregnant inflammatory process is needed to hold the uterine curettage.
Also cause dark brown discharge during pregnancy can human papillomavirus. Discharge may indicate the presence of inflammation and infection in women. Consult a gynecologist for help - how do you do.
Also, highlight during pregnancy and may indicate a rather rare process. The probability of such an incident 1 to 1000. When a chromosomal malfunction in the formation and development of the embryo and the placenta is developed instead of connective tissue with lots of bubbles. This skid (And this way is referred to as a nuisance) can be either partial or complete. In the former case bear, the child has all the chances, as part of the placenta still remains normal. In the second case - everything is much worse.
Fruit die at an early stage of development in this state, women naturally deteriorates. Dizziness, vomiting, nausea and brown spotting. This problem is solved by cleaning the uterus during the immediate treatment to the doctor. If you do not pull with the operation, it is very likely to preserve reproductive function in women.
Also, highlight brown may indicate a topic pregnancy.
All of the above causes brown discharge in pregnant women require treatment to a gynecologist. Pull in any case it is impossible because in addition to threats to the life of the mother and child negligence in this matter and will lead to the impossibility of getting pregnant. At the same time, the timely assistance of qualified doctors and surgery (if necessary) will not only help save the health of the mother and the fetus but also in the future to increase the chances of getting pregnant again. In this case, if the time to see a doctor, and the post-operative period will be quick and painless. If you still all right, you can even take an easy job in the decree, it is unlikely to harm you.
And remember, before you panic, see a doctor, hand over analyzes, and let you will make a verdict, but already there is clear how serious and profound problem. In any case, the mother's nervous condition will affect the future health of the child. And do not get sick and be healthy!
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