Discover which means the appearance brown discharge before period and during period:
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Often, women and girls may experience brown discharge before period. Girl gets a little older and enters a new phase of life when her first menstruation begins. When the cycle is fully established, this phenomenon will be waiting girl every month, hence the name. Which selection is considered to be normal? They should be red in color, with a gentle scent may discharge of blood clots.
Monthly last every girl in different ways, but in general, the cycle ranges from 3 to 6 days. It happens that with the menstrual blood is also seen brown discharge, a dark discharge, and on this occasion are concerned not only young girls but also adult women. They begin to think and look for what is wrong with them. Some may even start to panic and worry about it seriously. That was not like this, you need to know exactly in which case the phenomenon is normal, and what is suspicious.
Why blood during menstruation is a brown tint? This phenomenon is necessary in each case to be considered individually. This takes into account the woman's age, her participation or non-participation in sexual relations, their regularity; the presence of any chronic or hereditary diseases; whether surgery facts in her body, sexually transmitted diseases; whether the woman gave birth at least once in a lifetime if she is breastfeeding.
CONTENT :ü External triggersü Possible pregnancyü Other reasonsü The impact of diseases on the color of menstrual bloodü EXTERNAL provoking factors
"Some external factors may affect the menstrual flow and cause dark isolation. Rarely, a woman's body works like clockwork and there is no disruption in the menstrual cycle, blood is always bright red and did not bother foreign selection. "
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If the climate and time zones are changed too often, it is in most cases causes disruptions in the menstrual cycle and the appearance of brown discharge. Therefore, if a woman is forced to make frequent long trips to work or just travel a lot, it should be borne in mind that this could happen to her, and to know this phenomenon reasonable explanation.
Strong exercise affect menstruation. It's not just weight lifting, and sports training in all kinds of sports - such as volleyball or even ballroom dancing. Many professional athletes say that they observe the cycle of problems during the competition, when engaged have a lot and intensively. Of course, a healthy lifestyle and sports - this is incredibly positive for everyone. Therefore, if a woman goes in for sports, and it has observed such problems, in any case, it is not necessary to abandon such activities.
If the condition is related only to this factor, there is nothing wrong with the body eventually adapts and gets used. But if the delay menstruation and discharge accompanied by pain or even somehow concerned, should consult a doctor. He may give advice not to do so intense exercise, or to change the sport to some other, more suitable for the female body, and does not require much effort.
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Medication also affects the month. First of all, it concerns the birth control pill based on the hormones. They must appoint a doctor, based on the individual characteristics of each woman, but the woman herself. However, even if there are some problems with the cycle, it is a temporary phenomenon. If after a few months the cycle has not come back to normal, you need to turn again to the doctor and tell him appeal again on the brown discharge.
Status of nervous stress and emotions too bright emotions may adversely affect the flow of the menstrual cycle in women. This occurs even when a woman or girl feels too happy emotions, such as getting married or when leaving school or university. If this happens once, nothing wrong with that, but if emotions interfere with the normal course of the menstrual cycle, it is delayed for a few days, they should be somehow regulated.
In the case has been damaged perineum or genital area, you should consult a doctor immediately, as this could lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle. This is especially true for girls, as monthly in some of them begin early enough, and they are still active in their games.
"To monthly pass normally, it is necessary to correct and balanced feeding. This will have a positive effect on the entire body, even without taking into account women's health. You should also try to avoid all kinds of poisoning".
POSSIBLE PREGNANCY In Brown discharge before period :
For the treatment and prevention of problems with the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, Opsomenoreya et al.) And vaginal dysbacteriosis our readers have successfully used method Maria Yegorova. After careful consideration of this method, we have decided to offer him and your attention.
"If a woman is sexually active, then brown discharge after the first day of the month or brown discharge before period from the vagina may indicate that she had the miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or a pregnancy".
If a girl who is planning to become pregnant and have a baby, there is a menstrual delay, and then start brown discharge, this may indicate that there are some hormonal disruptions in her body. If, after such discharge does not occur monthly, then you need to think about a possible pregnancy. In order to confirm or exclude it, you have to buy a special pregnancy test at the pharmacy and do it. Of course, the test - this is not the ultimate truth, as it may well turn out to be defective. Pregnancy tests are made of high quality now, but where is the guarantee that this can be said about absolutely all manufacturers of these products?
Therefore, to accurate doubts arose, to go to the doctor and get tested on a special hormone that accurately determines whether a pregnancy is, or such condition is caused by some other factors. If the pregnancy is confirmed, and before that, there were brown allocation, it is said that a woman's low level of the hormone progesterone. This is very dangerous for the fetus because it can happen miscarriage during the detachment of the mucous membrane of the uterus. In this regard, it is necessary to consult a physician.
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Brown discharge before period |
IMPORTANT! If you are planning a pregnancy !
We noticed that many of our regular readers complain of problems with warts and papilloma's, after pregnancy. Warts - a sign of parasites in your body!
If you plan on having a healthy baby, you need to be sure to take advantage of simple advice Elena Malysheva, so as not to suffer from warts after pregnancy or infect her baby HPV, then it will be too late.
As a woman's age can affect the color selections during menstruation? brown discharge before period is often seen in adolescent girls, as their cycle is set only, and hormonal background, you can say the same thing. This is especially true on the first day of the month and for the second. Such separation should not cause concern because at this age can not ovulate. But it has to end in the first year of formation of the menstrual cycle. If enough time has passed, and the selection is still brown, instead of the normal red, please consult your gynecologist.
Other reasons:
Normal is considered in women who are over the age of 40 years, at the time of the ovarian function, and sexual function in general, slowly fading. But we must not think that menopause occurs in every woman is after 40. In each case, it is very individual.Odnako that brown discharge during menstruation in this situation should not scare, we can say with full confidence.
IMPACT OF DISEASE ON COLOR menstrual blood :
If a woman is supercooled, it could begin allocating a very dark color, almost black in the first day of the month. This suggests that the uterus or its appendages were damaged. At the same time in the vagina can feel a discomfort, itching, and burning. There may be a nagging pain in the abdomen, problems, and discomfort when trying to go to the toilet in a little. When monthly brown discharge will appear later.
Such a condition can talk about sexually transmitted diseases.
Therefore, if the partner loyalty is questioned, or the woman herself often change sexual partners, condom use is strictly necessary, as only he can prevent from getting an infection in the vagina. It should be possible to eliminate from his life all unprotected sexual acts, and ideally - to find a permanent partner, whose loyalty can be assured.
If something similar still penetrated into life, had brown discharge before a period in days of menstruation, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, as then may be too late!
Have you ever suffer from problems with the menstrual cycle? Judging by the fact that you're reading this article - the victory was not on your side. And of course you know that this is not by hearsay:
ü abundant or scanty allocation clotted
ü pain in the chest and in the lower lumbar
ü pain during sex
ü bad smell
ü discomfort during urination
Now answer the question, you're okay? Have you a problem you can tolerate? And how much money you have already "leaked" to the ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to finish this! Do you agree? That's why we decided to publish the exclusive story of Maria Yegorova, in which she revealed the secret of its normalization of the menstrual cycle.
Don’t miss this info at our page about brown discharge before period!
Don’t miss this info at our articles about brown discharge before period!
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