Is little brown discharge in early pregnancy particularly at 5 weeks of pregnancy Dangerous?
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brown discharge in early pregnancy |
The response from the doctor "Konovalenko Natalia"
From the best Russian gynecologist ...
" The doctor set period of 5 weeks of pregnancy or any deviations there everything is normal but misses a light brown discharge on the chair looked the same there are no abnormalities, the doctor did not understand the reason. What should I do? And what can be the reason for discharge? "
The appearance of brown discharge in early pregnancy does not always indicate a pathology that needs immediate medical attention.
Moreover, we can say that in the very early stages of pregnancy are considered minor vaginal bleeding common symptom, which is not a cause for concern and does not pose a risk to normal pregnancy.
After the first weeks of pregnancy - a time of a global restructuring of the female organism, hormonal and physiological.
Blood cause discharge from the pregnant woman's genital tract, primarily the following can be. During the consolidation of the ovum in the uterus wall of small fragments of the mucous membrane may be rejected, which causes the appearance of small bleeding from the vagina. These vaginal discharge may be brown, brown or intense red color.
Most often, isolation is not abundant. Sometimes they are accompanied by slight cramping, sometimes quite easily pass for a pregnant woman. But it is necessary to consult a doctor to make sure that everything is fine with the fruit and it develops as spotting can be a sign of the threat of miscarriage.
"Once the fertilized egg implanted in the uterine wall (this is approximately 7 days after ovulation), any bleeding should alert pregnant and make her seem immediately obstetrician-gynecologist, a leading pregnancy. You are, in fact, done. "
Quite a common cause of blood brown discharge in early pregnancy from the genital tract of pregnant women in early pregnancy - a cervical erosion. There is also for good reason: due to increased blood flow to the uterus during pregnancy mucous cervix may start to bleed, turning into some semblance of inflammatory ulcers. In the case of cervical erosion in pregnant women blood from the genital tract occurs after intercourse or no apparent cause, the pain is not accompanied by bleeding is minor and quickly stops spontaneously.
In addition to erosion, cause bleeding in pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy may be cervical polyps and decidual polyps - harmless tumors that grow in the uterus or cervix. Bleeding slightly while also not accompanied by pain. Depending on the situation, the doctor may remove polyps or to wait until the polyp will disappear by itself, as it often happens. Removing a polyp bleeding does not harm the course of pregnancy, as the uterus scraping upon removal is required. Along with the removal of the polyp is required to be treated, aimed at replenishing blood loss and to maintain the pregnancy.
I do not detect your gynecologist for cervical erosion or decidual polyps you?
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brown discharge in early pregnancy |
" However, there are also other cases where bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy is a signal about the existing problems. In particular, it can start with vaginal bleeding such serious complications as the first-trimester spontaneous miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy you have ruled as an ultrasound revealed fertilized egg in the uterus " .
Spontaneous miscarriage - this is an extremely serious complication of pregnancy that occurs early in pregnancy and usually begins with bleeding. Bleeding, indicative of incipient miscarriage, may be negligible, and painless. However, it does not stop after a short time and continues to grow in intensity and accompanying discomfort.
Spontaneous miscarriage occurs in several stages: a threatening miscarriage, which began miscarriage, abortion in progress, part-time and full of spontaneous miscarriage. Distinguish between these stages just by the presence of bleeding and pain.
When threatened abortion bleeding from the genital tract of pregnant wearing very skimpy nature of the pain is usually absent or manifested aching sensations in the lower abdomen. Uterus thus has not changed, and with the active and timely treatment can save the pregnancy.
I would recommend you take a blood test to determine the levels you have beta-human chorionic gonadotropin, estradiol, and progesterone. brown discharge in early pregnancy This will help eliminate the threat you have an abortion, and if available prescribe treatment correctly and in a timely manner.
" In addition, the selection of the blood of a pregnant genital tract may indicate the development of a severe cervical pathology, until the cancer tumors. This, apparently, is not your case, as you survey the gynecologist. "
Other causes include bleeding varicose blood vessels of the external genitalia, vaginal infection.
If the symptoms that you may have will not work and will continue or new symptoms appear, it should be an occasion for re-treatment to the doctor.
With proper and timely treatment of many complications can be avoided, the doctor always tries to keep the pregnancy, even in the earliest of its terms.
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