Seven most important questions and their answers Brown discharge in early pregnancy:
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ü When the brown discharge in early pregnancy can be considered normal?ü Brown discharge in pregnant women .ü Brown discharge, signaling the threat of miscarriage .ü Brown discharge, as a sign of ectopic pregnancy .ü Brown discharge, as a sign of detachment or placenta previa .ü Brown discharge during pregnancy, as a sign of gynecological pathology .ü What if during pregnancy their brown discharge?
During pregnancy, it changes not only the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother but also the nature of the vaginal discharge. This is due to hormonal changes taking place during this period in a woman's body.
Cervical canal, lined with columnar epithelial cells that connect the uterus with the vagina. Normally, it is filled with mucous secretion secreted by the epithelial cells have an increased secretory activity. The nature of these secretions is regulated by hormones of the ovaries, and it depends on the phase of the monthly lunar cycle. Under the influence of estrogen in the first phase separation is a liquid, transparent, slightly sticky substance with a low specific smell, whitish or almost colorless. It creates the most favorable conditions for the penetration of sperm into the uterus.
Further, in the II phase of the menstrual cycle, when there is increased synthesis of progesterone, cervical mucus becomes cloudy and sticky. At fertilization and subsequent implantation of the egg, it clogs the cervical canal, thus creating a barrier to the penetration of infection in the uterine cavity. In the first three months after conception progesterone synthesis continues, there is observed the same pattern. However, after the twelfth week is an increase in estrogen levels, which is why the discharge becomes more abundant and liquefy. This is normal in the external genitalia completely absent itching and burning.
However, it happens that the expectant mother at different stages of pregnancy appears brownish discharge, varying in color and size. Often, they are the norm, and therefore do not pose a specific danger, but sometimes such separation may signal the start of spontaneous abortion.
When the brown discharge in early pregnancy can be considered normal?
ü Brownish discharge, odorless, which occur on the first - the second week after conception, it is considered normal. During this period, the attachment (implantation) of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall. Immersion of the ovum in the endometrium is often accompanied by the emergence of a moderate amount of discharge from the paste-like consistency until light brown. Often women find their early sign of the onset of menstruation. However, if the vaginal secretion starts to get dark brown color, it is a wake-up call that requires immediate professional advice.
ü Due to the restructuring of the hormonal background brown discharge can be observed within a few months of pregnancy
ü Spin-brown color, appearing in late pregnancy due to a discharge of mucus plug is also considered to be the norm. This - the so-called precursors of birth. For some women, they may be 1-2 weeks before the expected birth of a child, at others - a few hours before the onset of active labor.
Brown discharge in pregnant women :
Many expectant mothers mistakenly believe that the occurrence of menstrual cycles during pregnancy - are absolutely normal. In fact, this is not true. The inner surface is lined with uterine endometrium, which depends on the hormonal status of women very well supplied with blood, oxygen and allowing the fruit to develop its necessary nutrients. In the case when there is a detachment of the endometrium, monthly bleeding occur. Normally, it is rejected only when pregnancy does not occur.
The endometrium is very responsive to changes in the level of sex hormones, and if there are cyclic bleeding or brownish discharge, this indicates that a number of hormones reach its critical level. That is why the appearance of brown discharge in pregnant women at such times when they should be monthly, you should consult your gynecologist, to help determine the cause of this condition. Typically, monthly during pregnancy, occurring due to hormonal adjustment, poor and very short, and the pad can at night be absolutely clean and dry.
Sometimes the discharge may signal not only to the ongoing restructuring of the hormone but also on the development of inflammatory diseases, the threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
In some cases, brown discharge occur in pregnant women suffering from endometriosis or uterine myoma, and they can also occur due to anomalies in the structure of the female reproductive organ (double or saddle-shaped uterus).
Sometimes brown or spotting to arise in the case when there is a death or rejection of the ovum from the twins, and the other continues to evolve.
Brown discharge, signaling the threat of miscarriage :
In that case, when in the early stages of pregnancy in women having the nagging pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting, and severe dizziness, and appear scarce spotting from the vagina, having a dark brown color, it indicates that the threat of miscarriage. Discharges are caused by detachment of the ovum, which is why the blood begins to leak his wall. This condition can occur because of a lack of female or increase the level of male sex hormones. Also provoke a threat of miscarriage are genetic disorders, due to which there are abnormal development and the subsequent death of the fetus. Various infections, including those that are sexually transmitted, can also trigger the occurrence of brown discharge and lead to miscarriage.
" However, the cause of spontaneous abortion may be taking certain hormones, uterine structural abnormalities, bad habits, heavy physical exertion, after 30 years of age, fatigue, and stress "
" In such situations, women need urgent medical care aimed at the preservation of pregnancy " .
Brown discharge, as a sign of ectopic pregnancy :
In the case when the egg was fertilized, but for some reason, fertilized egg can not enter the uterine cavity, it is about the development of an ectopic pregnancy. The most common cause of this condition are the pathological changes that occur in the fallopian tubes. This can happen due to the too twisting pipes, or because of adhesions, not allowing the egg down to the uterus and implant there. Rarely can occur at other sites of ectopic pregnancy (cervical, abdominal, etc.). If you have an ectopic pregnancy, the ovum is inevitable rejection. This is due to the fact that after implantation of the embryo starts to grow, drawing out the body to which it is attached. As with normal pregnancy, a woman's menstrual period happens retention, increased levels of hCG and pregnancy test shows a positive result. Further, as the growth of the embryo, in the lower abdomen of the hotel, there are pains, extending to the rectum, and appear brown bloody discharge from the genital organs.
Due to the fact that in this case is not sufficient conditions for the normal development of the pregnancy, after some time the ovum begins to peel off, and cast out into the abdominal cavity. This condition is accompanied by severe dizziness, bouts of pain and the occurrence of intra-abdominal bleeding.
I would like to emphasize that the dark brown discharge when an ectopic pregnancy are observed in almost 80% of cases. They arise as a result of the rejection of the endometrium due to the sharp decline in the level of sex hormones and may be different in severity from very scarce to plentiful,mentsrualnopodobnyh. In some cases, fragments are found in secretions torn away from the decidua (decidual) shell.
In this state, even the slightest delay can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, at the first signs of adverse should be referred to a gynecologist for the correct diagnosis, which, in turn, will help to keep the woman of her reproductive system.
Note: " As a rule, an ectopic pregnancy is detected during the first ultrasound " .
Brown discharge, as a sign of detachment or placenta previa :
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In the case where the placenta is located in the lower uterine segment, below the fetal presenting part, it is a placenta previa. Such a condition occurs in 0.2-0.9% of future mothers. Due to the fact that the child seat is located in proximity to the uterus, vascular integrity is violated its upper layer, which in turn causes the development or occurrence of bleeding heavy precipitates a brownish color. Cause delamination may fall, abdominal trauma, as well as various internal diseases.
However, if improperly placenta previa brown discharge may occur in the later stages of pregnancy. Also, compromise the integrity of blood vessels located in the upper layers of the child seat is capable of growing uterus. In this case, there may also be some bleeding. In those days, when there is selection, experts recommend passing the placenta examination by ultrasound.
Brown discharge in early pregnancy Placental abruption - a pregnancy complication that can develop as in childbirth, and in the process of carrying a child. If there is a premature separation of the placenta from the uterine lining, it violated the integrity of the uteroplacental vessels, and as a result, develop bleeding of varying severity and localization.
In the case where the edge Voz Nia et placental detachment (detachment boundary), bleeding out occurs, and of course, such a state does not go unnoticed. Fresh, only that the department will scarlet blood and clotted acquires a brown color.
Brown discharge in early pregnancy, as a sign of gynecological pathology :
Unfortunately, pregnancy is not an obstacle for the emergence or progression of various gynecological diseases. Cervical erosion and genital tract infections may provoke bleeding brown and bacterial vaginosis, which occurs almost 70% of pregnant women and in some cases may be characterized by the appearance of beige or light brown precipitates.
" Whatever it was, any deviations from the norm represent a danger to the fetus, in this connection, the experts urged to solve all the existing gynecological problems at the stage of planning of pregnancy. "
What if during pregnancy their brown discharge?
First of all, you must understand that to understand yourself and find out the cause of this state of the expectant mother is unlikely. Therefore, in a case of alarming symptoms wise to seek the advice of your gynecologist instead of looking for an answer to the discussion forums. Only an experienced physician can make an accurate diagnosis, and then only after a careful history and appropriate diagnostic testing .
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