8 Possible What causes brown discharge before period!
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What causes brown discharge |
The content of the article:ü Adolescence1.2 Menopause1.3 Postpartumü 2 External factorsü 3 Pathological causes brown menstruation 3.1 3.2 If there was a conception of the female organs Inflammation 3.3 Sexually transmitted infections 3.4 Hormonal disorders 3.4.1 Increase in the body of prolactinü 4 recent surgery
Menstrual bleeding - one of the signs of a healthy female body ready for childbirth. The norm for this process is spotting, continuing 3-7 days and repeated every 21-35 days. It happens that women watch in his brown discharge before period instead of monthly permanently or from time to time. For some reason, changing the color of menstrual bleeding? They set off quite harmless to very serious, signaling the trouble in the body. That is why you need to find out exactly why monthly brown. Perhaps the vigilance of the woman in this case not only to preserve the health of her and the unborn baby.
When brown menstruation - a normal variant ?
The reasons on which menstruation brown color is not a sign of illness, quite a bit. And each of them is related to the woman's age, certain stages of its life cycle and development of the organism.
Adolescence :
Girls between 12 and 14 years of externally developed quickly enough. But nature does not deceive, and the first couple of years after the onset of menstruation their bodies surprises in the form of an irregular cycle and strange Highlight. If the girl herself feels fine, that is not experiencing severe pain in the critical days, and directly in front of them, her psychological state does not come out of the normal range, the monthly Brown is not a what causes brown discharge worry. When hormones still wavering, reproductive organs are being formed, the exchangeable layer of the endometrium in its composition is different from what exists in adult women. Accordingly, the color selections have the right to be different than theirs.
Women waiting for the 50th anniversary, also experience hormonal changes. But in this case they are associated with attenuation of the reproductive function, it is not as active as in his youth, the work of important hormone producing organs - ovaries.
For these reasons, menstruation they cease to be regular, there may be the separation of brown, more abundant than before, or, on the contrary, scarce. Despite this, the woman should not stop the usual visits to the gynecologist. It is possible that a premenopausal masked some kind of disease.
puerperium :
Pregnancy and birth of a child - labor, requiring large expenditures of the organism. Naturally, the subsequent recovery, including menstrual cycle, it takes time. It increases if a woman breastfeeds. The main action of her body prolactin hormone inhibits the production of others, responsible for the normalization cycle.
The endometrium during the month of sluggish growth, which causes monthly brown and rather meager. This happens for 6 cycles after cessation of lactation. Over a long period in which menstruation does not return to the usual indicators, should cause a woman to seek professional help.
External factors :
The occurrence of brown discharge instead of monthly, appeared among full health, can trigger external factors: Climate Change. Most clearly his influence affects the thyroid gland work. It is, as we know, is not the last place among the producing bodies hormones.
women have trouble conceiving, we have managed to take advantage of this right.
Moving to a different climate zone, or simply leave and rest in an environment drastically different from the usual, helped them get pregnant.
But the impact of different climate does not always favorable; Tough diet or, on the contrary, overeating. The continued absence in a long time in the organism of nutrients and other nutrients causes anemia, gives the production of sex hormones, metabolic processes.
This provokes a failure in the functioning of the ovaries. Which gives brown discharge before period instead of monthly in the first stage. Further complications if the woman will continue to ignore the reasonable diet, can become dysfunctional uterine bleeding, benign tumors of the ovaries, polycystic; Excessive exercise for women.
All of the stored energy is spent on them, and to produce the necessary hormones the body is not strong enough. Therefore menstruation often delayed, and if go, then there are scanty and brown;
Chronic stress. Production of sex hormones responsible for the menstrual cycle, what causes brown discharge is directly dependent on the health of the central nervous system. Emotional overload it, to put it mildly, is unprofitable, and cause changes in the color of menstrual fluid, and intensity;
Acceptance of pharmaceuticals, medicinal herbs. On the hormones could have a strong influence of antidepressants, corticosteroids, antipsychotics, as well as plants that contribute to increased blood clotting. The result of this exposure may be the appearance of brown discharge instead of monthly;
Pathological causes brown menstruation :
All informed that upon the occurrence of pregnancy, menstruation should stop. But this process does not always take place as a textbook. Some women who are confident in their own pregnancy, notice at the appearance of brown discharge instead of menstruation in a small volume. If anything unusual is limited only by them during this period, which means the introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall. Another thing, if this happens again and again. Then already it comes to hormone deficiency. The endometrium tends to cut off, and thus to the fetus there is a direct threat.
With this you need to rush to a specialist, otherwise, there will be a miscarriage. Ectopic pregnancy is also able to give as a symptom monthly dark brown. If the test confirms the conception and allocation of scarce likely ovum settled where it should not be. The development of this abnormal condition characterized by high fever, pain in the abdomen.
Inflammation of the female organs :
Sometimes the appearance of brown discharge instead of menstruation due to the presence of inflammatory diseases or venereal infection. Long to find a woman in the cold can cause Problems with appendages (adnexitis, salpingitis, scalping). Diseases occur in the acute form with fever, abdominal pain. Chronic produces smoother symptoms binding of which is the violation of the cycle. It may occur, for example, as a light brown monthly;
Cervical erosion.This disease is more to know, what causes brown discharge because, unlike the others, it almost does not manifest itself. Is that painful sensations during vaginal sex, many women are blamed on the awkward partner.
Cervical erosion occurs when the duty injury of a body or the same inflammation. Of the cervical canal is constant allocation, annoying her vaginal part. From brown menstrual bleeding;
Endometriosis. Abnormal growth of the body, directly taking part in menstruation, leads to the fact that the monthly mucous become commonplace. They acquire an unusual appearance, complemented by pain, daubs at the end of the critical days, bleeding.
Recent provoke anemia, which causes brown menstrual flow; Endometritis. Monthly with mucus, the causes of which lie in this disease, caused by the vital activity of bacteria, viruses or protozoa. His role is played by the weakening of the basal and functional layers of the body due to incorrect douching, heavy flows of labor or installation of an intrauterine device. If all that had happened was preceded by an abortion, curettage, hysteroscopy, it is no wonder why the monthly starting with the brown discharge. Most likely normalize menstruation and general condition with medication have previously identified one of these diagnoses.
Sexually transmitted infections :
The increase in the body of prolactin This makes sense to dwell, as this is often the reason is not the only culprit of a strange kind of monthly, and female infertility. what causes brown dischargeWe are not talking about the lactation period. In this case, increase the level of this hormone is absolutely justified. If the non-breastfeeding woman notices that month went for 2 days, and then they were replaced by brown discharge may be a sign of disorders of the pituitary (brain cyst, prolactinoma, meningioma); Problems with the hypothalamus (sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, receiving high doses of radiation, germinomas);
Cirrhosis of the liver;
Hyperprolactinemia unknown origin. Short menses, exchangeable brown secretions, in the circumstances and should be complemented by other signs. But perhaps that is not so dangerous, and an increased concentration of prolactin caused by a starvation diet; Severe stress; Excessive exercise; Neck massage of the back, the nerves that control the rate; Tight bra. Permanent injury to the nipples, it turns out, provokes the production of this hormone.
Recent surgery :
Any of them in the field of gynecology can affect both the menstrual periods and on its color, texture. The appearance of brown discharge before period of monthly can cause surgical treatment: endometrial polyps; Ovarian cysts; Ectopic pregnancy; Cervical and other parts of the uterus. "Rotten" smell that accompanies them, with temperature and pain indicates a bacterial infection or other complications.
The special control also needs a period selections. If it is more than 10 days, a woman doctor is urgently needed and additional treatment. Brown allocation instead of monthly, if they are alien to the normal leakage of critical days, require specialist assessment. Determine the nature of their own is hard enough. It is worth taking note that many diseases, including threatening the reproductive functions and even life dramatically rejuvenated.
To hope for "maybe" and treat yourself, it means to lose time and to smooth the signs of the disease. The only thing that can make for yourself a woman, try to avoid stress, lose weight without torturing the body hunger, exorbitant physical activity, and not to neglect regular inspections at the gynecologist. Adherence to these principles is necessary at any age.
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· The five most important reasons pushing you to get to know what causes brown discharge!· 8 Possible What causes brown discharge before period! |
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