Brown discharge in early pregnancy - normal or cause for concern?
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Brown discharge in early pregnancy |
"Upon detection of polyps in the uterus treatment is prescribed. It is to remove the pathological formation. But even such a radical measure is not always possible to get rid of it. This is due to the fact that any operation eliminates the effects of the disease, but not its cause."
THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE about brown discharge in early pregnancy :
ü What is a polyp?
ü What are their symptoms?
ü Methods of surgical removal of polyps
ü CERVICAL Hysteroscopy Uterine –
ü quickly and efficiently remove polyps
ü polyps CERVICAL scraping BY LASER surgery to remove polyps in the uterus
ü ANY ALLOCATION appears after removal of polyps in the uterus
ü EFFECTS AND COMPLICATIONS AFTER removal of polyps in the uterus Comments
What is a polyp? What are their symptoms?
This pathology is hyperplasia of the endometrium when there are foci of mucosal proliferation. Education is rounded, mushroom-shaped, thick at the base and thin stem, the color varies from pale pink to maroon, can be single and multiple. Doctors say that the main reason for their occurrence is a hormonal imbalance - primarily progesterone deficiency and an excess of estrogen. Aggravating factors may be inflammation of the reproductive system, mechanical injuries, birth injuries, frequent abortions, diagnostic curettage.
Polyps are divided into several types:
ü Fibroids;
ü Glandular;
ü Mixed;
ü Adenomatous.
Most occur the first three types of formations. The process of diagnosis is required to carry out a histological study. It allows you to determine the status of abnormal tissue cells. If it showed signs of proliferation (cancers originate processes), then polyp removal is carried in the womb and of itself.
This condition is considered to be the initial stage of cancer, so the operation is carried out as soon as possible and involves such radical intervention. With regard to symptoms, the early stages of the disease, they are practically absent.
When polyposis (plural formation) and a large scale there are the first signs of pathology, as it violated the contractile ability of the uterus and the natural process of rejection of mucous.
Present the following symptoms:
ü Uterine bleeding;
ü Brown or bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle;
ü Pain during intercourse, lower abdomen, lower back;
ü Education may affect the pregnancy,
ü preventing conception or cause miscarriage.
Women who plan to have children should first get rid of the disease. Radical treatment and postoperative hormone therapy reduced reproductive function.
Methods of surgical removal of polyps CERVICAL
The most effective and currently popular version - hysteroscopy followed by curettage of the cavity and cervix (polypectomy and curettage). The removed material is subject to histological examination. Also use other methods - laser removal or separate diagnostic curettage.
The dimensions of education, its structure, the woman's age, the condition of the endometrium, the causes brown discharge in early pregnancy of disease, presence of metabolic and endocrine disorders - all of these factors influence the choice of treatment and the patient's tactics:
When fibrous formations need hormone therapy after surgery; If there are mixed possibly to dispense with hormonal drugs, but with the proviso that the hormones are normal, no obesity and diabetes; When adenomatous formations, which may progress to malignant, as well as before or during menopause itself is a hysterectomy (removal) or supravaginal amputation with removal of the appendages and the revision of the ovaries.
Hysteroscopy Uterine - quickly and efficiently remove polyps
This option is the least traumatic. Furthermore, the risk of complications after surgery such - minimum. We can say, this procedure relates to gentle procedures. The whole process of the operation is under the visual supervision of a physician. Spend menstruation, not later than the 10th day of the cycle. During this period, the best visualization of the body cavity.
Typically, at this time the patient is under general anesthesia, less likely to have a local anesthetic. First, the doctor inserts a hysteron scope into the neck of the uterus - a thin, flexible tube with an attached camera that transmits images to the monitor. Then examined the body cavity is defined by the size of education, the place of its location. After that, a polyp was removed and sent to the laboratory for histological examination.
Education on legs "spun", and the place where they were attacked, burned or treated by electrocoagulation cryogenic method. In some cases, the laser is used. It destroys the abnormal tissue and prevents relapse. hysteroscopy procedure lasts 10-30 minutes.
Removal of polyps CERVICAL BY scraping
If this procedure is carried out without the help of a hysteroscope, so the doctor is working "blind". It is highly probable that the formation of the leg will remain in place, then relapse is inevitable. Therefore it is necessary to work very carefully and after removal of the polyp use coagulation where he was. The procedure is recommended for a few days before the onset of menstruation. During the operation, expand the cervix and a special loop spend scraping polyps from the walls. The resulting tissue is sent for histological examination.
This type of surgery leaves no scars and allows you to save the reproductive function. In modern medical centers in just a few hours, you can get a complete examination, and then the removal of formations. At the same time is not disturbed ability to work, not injured uterus, you do not need to stay in a hospital. Pregnancy after laser removal of a polyp in the uterus can occur after a few months.
To apply innovative methods , wherein the absence of neck trauma and the need for anesthesia. The doctor chooses the way of treatment together with the patient. This Brown discharge gets rid of fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial adhesions. This method is gentle. Your doctor may monitor the layers of the laser penetration depth, thereby preventing injuries, reducing blood loss and recovery period. Laser solders vessels, connective tissue is left, which is beneficial to the future pregnancy. The rehabilitation period after laser treatment varies from six months to 8 months.
ANY ALLOCATION appears after removal of polyps in the :
After hysteroscopy for some time will be present cramping. Approximately 2-3 weeks insignificant allocation should be observed. A week after the operation it is necessary to pass inspection. The physician should designate the replacement therapy, guided by the age of the patient, the cause of polyp formation and its character.
EFFECTS AND COMPLICATIONS AFTER removal of polyps in the uterus
In a case of heavy bleeding, dark goo with an unpleasant color, fever, acute and severe pain need to see a doctor. In this case, we can assume a complication - inflammation of uterine perforation or hematometra. Inflammation occurs very rarely and brown discharge in early pregnancy is usually triggered by the fact that the operation was carried out against a background of latent infection, inflammation, or during surgery rules antiseptics and septic tanks have been violated. Inflammatory treatment is antibiotics. Perforations formed by the body wall puncture.
These effects occur because of the looseness of its structure or poor dilatation. Small perforations overgrown own, large sutured. Severe pain and abrupt discontinuation of isolation may indicate cervical spasm and education hematometra. Infection may occur. In this case, prescribed anti-inflammatories and antispasmodics. After the surgery, the woman should take seriously their health, because for a few weeks will be observed allocation, it is necessary especially to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene. At this time, you cannot take a bath, go to the bath and sauna, swimming in open water.
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