Brown discharge , symptoms, causes, treatment!
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Brown discharge |
ü Treatment of Uterine adenomyosis
ü reliever
Uterine adenomyosis: treatment of folk remedies :
TREATMENT OF DIFFERENT TYPES Uterine adenomyosis DJ Easton and other hormones Comments
STAGES AND TYPES OF PATHOLOGY or brown discharge :
Initially, only the affected mucosa. With the progression of endometrial cells penetrate deep into the body. The third stage - the appearance of the endometrium in the muscle layer. At the last stage of the disease suffers from serosa and adjacent pelvic organs.
Focal adenomyosis appears as separate islands (lesions) in the muscle layer.
Very often it is asymptomatic. The node type is shown, respectively, nodes. Recent adenomyoma called because they resemble a myoma. In the presence of diffuse-type visible when viewed from the extensive proliferation of the endometrium throughout the depth of the muscle layer. Sometimes diagnose several types, such as nodular and diffuse.
ü Characteristic symptoms:
ü Brown discharge before menstruation and after such;
ü Moderate to severe PMS;
ü Abundant menstruation;
Pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, while those after them; Violation of the cycle (preferably reduction);
Discomfort during intercourse;
Changing the size and shape of the uterus.
It is worth noting that disrupt reproductive function. Getting into the muscle layer of the endometrial cells can not get out, causing minor bleeding, which leads to inflammation. Adenomyosis infertility is diagnosed in every second case.
provoking factors to include frequent stress leading to emotional stress; excessively active lifestyle; genetic predisposition; prolonged sun exposure, frequent visits to the solarium; Surgical manipulation of the womb (abortion, mechanical injury, scraping).
To put a conclusion, the doctor uses several methods: gynecological examination mirrors, colposcopy, smear on the flora, pelvic ultrasound, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, the general study of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems.
In order to exclude the presence of contraindications to a number of medications, should consult a physician, hematologist, gastroenterologist, and endocrinologist.
Treatment of Uterine adenomyosis :
Treatment can be conservative and radical. In the first case, there are various medications that normalize the immune and hormonal systems. The course usually takes 2-3 months but may be shortened or extended if necessary. Available affect symptoms and treatment of uterine adenomyosis. The choice of treatment affects the course and severity.
a reliever at brown discharge:
If the pain is not strong, you can use non-prescription drugs. With spasmodic pains helps warmer. Otherwise, the doctor prescribes a non-steroidal drug, anti-inflammatory effect. Drink them start a few days before menstruation. The course lasts about 7 days.
With strong and painful menstruation prescribe hormonally. Although some patients refuse such treatment, guided by the fact that it has a number of side effects, hormone drugs are very effective. In addition, modern means practically free from all negative actions.
Furthermore, they are used for the treatment in the case where the woman is suffering from infertility amid adenomyosis but planning the pregnancy. The goal of this therapy - restore hormonal levels. To achieve the desired effect can be already in the past month and a half since the beginning of the course.
If conservative means to get rid of the disease could not be appointed surgery - removal of the localization of foci and the restoration of the normal anatomic structure of the uterus. The postoperative period requires regular checkups at the gynecologist, the control condition of the reproductive system.
Ablation. The procedure is done in the early stages of the disease. The event destroyed the inner shell body;
Electrocoagulation - electric shock treatment. The procedure involves the use of anesthesia;
Embolization is the overlap of the blood vessels that supply blood to the pathological lesions. As a result, there is a reduction of the latter.
Do not rule out the operation with the complete removal of the uterus. This method allows you to completely and permanently get rid of the disease but can be used only in the case when a woman no longer plans a pregnancy.
The choice of method depends on the patient's age, her desire to have children, stage of the disease and its severity. Usually, treatment begins with conservative methods. When they fail, they resort to the removal of the uterus and appendages, or nephron-sparing techniques (excision of lesions by laparoscopy).
For example, treatment of diffuse adenomyosis uteri type first and second stage involves hormone therapy. Third degree, as well as nodular form, treated only with the removal of the uterus or the excision of endometriosis. In the latter case, the conduct and cryotherapy or laser treatment. In the postoperative period, a woman needs for six months to take progestins.
Uterine adenomyosis: treatment of folk remedies :
Recently, a large popular virotherapy. Leeches of the human body have selected biologically active points and then secrete saliva, which contains nutrients and in contact with a blood anti-inflammatory effect.
When the bite is leaking lymph stimulating lymph stimulation, responsible for the production of natural defensive cells. Recent strengthen the body and enhance immunity. After a course of procedures for the normalization of hormonal background, passes venous stasis in the pelvis, blood flow is restored in the area of the uterus and appendages.
Traditional methods of irrigation are decoctions and infusions of plants, as well as their ingestion. For example, one of the most popular recipes includes cudweed, mistletoe, cleavers, nettle, celandine, yarrow, eucalyptus, marigold, Peony, oak bark and the root of Bergenia. Gathering to pour boiling water. All the plants are taken in equal proportions. Then medicine and insist filter. The second popular recipe is based on the soft part of celandine and plantain, pansy blossoms, buds of poplar and birch, juniper fruit. Collection pours boiling water, and after the infusion drink before a meal.
TREATMENT OF DIFFERENT TYPES Uterine adenomyosis DJ Easton and other hormones at brown discharge :
Oral contraceptives provoke amenorrhoea, suppress pathological lesions and may even lead to their extinction. The course can last up to a year. It should be noted that half of the patients have successfully become pregnant after a therapy; Progestins (progestogens). The most famous products of this group are "Djufaston" and "Question".
Treatment "DJ fast on" provokes atrophy lesions and may lead to their extinction. He, along with similar drugs, has a more pronounced therapeutic effect than oral contraceptives. However, the need for its purpose only when there is disease progression and severe.
Side effects - muscle spasms, weight gain, seborrhea, acne. Such formulations may disturb the function of the ovaries, which complicates the pregnancy for several months; Androgens. These include a "Danazol" preventing a proliferation of endometrial foci. This preparation is characterized by a long period of remission after the cancellation, but provokes weight gain, can affect the liver; Analogs "GnRH":
"Nafarelin" "Leuprorelin" "Histrelin" "Buserelin". Side effects from the given group of funds - osteoporosis, atrophic vaginitis.
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